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DIY Garden Markers


Spring has sprung and we can start thinking about our gardens! This is the perfect time to get your garden ready, and I’ve got the perfect way to help mark your beautiful garden with all of its fun contents. If you’re looking for an efficient arborist, look no further than a vancouver arborist. Now is the time to ensure your trees are in top shape! You may also want to call a licensed arborist for your tree pruning needs.

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Especially when some parts of your garden are merely seedlings at this point, you will want a cute and easy way to label them and watch them grow. Here is how to get started.

You Will Need:

  • Scissors
  • Birch sticks (about ¾” in diameter)
  • Hot glue gun/glue sticks
  • E-6000
  • Bakers twine in a variety of colors
  • Mod Podge
  • Foam brush
  • Glass gems (for vases)
  • Printer
  • Downloadable prints of garden items


  1. Print out what you would like each of your garden markers to say, keeping in mind the size of your gems. You want to make sure that the writing does not exceed the edge of the gem.  You will need 2 print-outs of each item to create this look.
  2. Cut these out with scissors the same size as your gems.
  3. Take a small amount of mod podge on your foam brush and put a very light coat on the flat side of two gems.
  4. Add the writing to one of the gems, face down, and repeat the exact same action for the other.
  5. Add additional mod podge to the back of each gem (backside of the print out) and connect them together, making sure that the words/pictures line up on each side. This will look like the gems created a ball and will enlarge the image within the gem. Set aside to dry.
  6. Once dry, take your little gems and attach them to the top of your branch with E-6000. This is a great product that holds over time, but it does take a little while to set up. In the meantime, add hot glue to secure it in place for the moment, and allow the E-6000 to set up over time. Also, add a thin bead of hot glue around the gems where they meet.  This will keep your gems from leaking in the rain, sprinklers, etc.  It’s just a little added security that the writing inside the gems stays dry.
  7. Complete this step on all of your garden markers and set aside.
  8. Take several different colors of your baker’s twine and assign which marker gets what color. This is a completely personal preference so enjoy picking your favorites.
  9. Add hot glue all around the base where the gems meet the branch. You can start with a thin bead since you will need to hide it with your twine.
  10. Wrap the branch over and over so that it creates a cute little decorative detail to the top of the branch (and hides any ugly part of the branch that you want to keep hidden where it meets the gems). Continue this until you are about 2” down your branch. Cut your twine at the end and add a bead of hot glue to the branch to secure into place.  Push the twine down into the glue to complete the look.
  11. Let these dry for about 24 hours before adding them to your garden. This will assure that all glue has had time to set.
  12. Enjoy your garden markers and watch your garden grow!


  1. You can use any size gems that you would like….just make sure you can find branches that match that size.
  2. If you don’t want to use branches, you could use round wooden dowels from the hardware store.

Do you have a fun Spring DIY for the home? Share with us on Instagram and Twitter @paigehemmis 

If you missed the episode check it out by heading over to Home & Family!



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