If you are anything like me, you want to fix up your home yourself and not wait for anyone to do it for you! You roll up your sleeves and …
DIY Lush Wedding Swing
Wedding Season is upon us and this years hot wedding trend is luxury! Think bigger, think grander, think opulence and beauty… So with all of this in mind I cam …
Refurbished Patio Furniture
With Memorial Day right around the corner, everyone’s going to be heading out to their backyards for BBQ’s and to kick off the summer fun. But, your patio furniture …
Creating the Perfect Staycation!
A “staycation” is the new vacation. It’s a vacation where you stay home to relax and enjoy the local activities rather than traveling. If you plan to go on an …
Spicy Jalapeno Strawberry Smoothie
I recently made the most delicious jalapeño & strawberry salsa for my Tuesday Taco night and I had some fresh produce left over so this smoothie was a little experiment …