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Summer Color Lovin’ with Yellow


Summer is in full swing and so is my love affair for bright summer colors, particularly yellow! And why the heck not? The lightest hue of the color spectrum , the psychology of yellow suggests that it is the most uplifting and illuminating of all the colors. Offering to those surrounded by it happiness, hope and fun! If you ask me that it is a pretty darn good reason to decorate with yellow and give everyone a cheery disposition.

My Tips & Tricks when decorating with Yellow

color rules

Consider your Shade

Like every color, yellow comes in many different shades and can take on many different undertones, particularly when pairing it with another color. Make sure you take into consideration where you are using this hue. If it’s a room with lots of natural light you can use a much brighter yellow. If the room is dark try using a pale yellow to give the room a gentle lift.

Color Rules

These days with design there really aren’t any color rules, well maybe there are guidelines? The only thing I would suggest, which I mentioned before, is that yellow can take on other colors tones so make sure your selecting the right yellow for pairing. You don’t want to make it look harsh or dirty.

the perfect pair

The Perfect Pair

Pairing yellow with other colors is fun. My favorite pairing is yellow and grey, it’s so pretty and can look so soft and elegant. Pairing Navy blue can look crisp and clean and pairing with white gives yellow a good pop! I also love pairing yellow with green, I think it can be really pretty using nature as your inspiration, think yellow daisy’s, lemons … that kind of thing. Just remember to be mindful of those undertones.

How much is TOO much?

This is such a personal question. For me, If I am painting my walls yellow I would keep it to just that. Maybe I would have one piece of décor or a pillow that has some yellow in it but my walls would be my yellow feature … you know you can have too much of a good thing. However, if your walls are neutral, use yellow in your artwork, your décor and your pillows and throws!

just a pop

Just a POP of Color

If you are anything like me … I was a colorphob for a VERY long time. The thought of color gave me sweaty palms, heart palpitations and head spins that resembled a panic attack. My closet, my home – pretty much everything I owned was a black, white or grey. So if you’re a little unsure my best TIP when playing with color is to use flowers. Add just hint of color that you are trying to decide on with a lovely floral arrangement on your coffee table or side table. This will brighten and warm up any room and it’s very non-committal. Flowers only a last a week – sometimes two, so you can really be a floozy until you find your perfect match!

What is your favorite color this summer? Share with us your summer love color and any questions in the comments below! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @paigehemmis & hashtag #DIYfengshui 

Ameka Jane


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